Dr. Omaira Colón, M.D.



Growing up in Puerto Rico, I always knew I wanted to be a doctor. During my years as a medical student, I noticed there were not many female OB-GYN. As a woman and patient myself, it was very important to me to have a provider who understood what I was feeling on a personal level. I liked surgery and babies, so becoming an OB-GYN was an obvious choice.

Today, I am proud to say that I’ve guided women in their journey through life for over 20 years. Being an OB-GYN puts me in the unique position of empowering and educating women. I believe prevention and education are key to a woman’s health. With the right tools, women can take an active role in their health, and I am here to provide those tools.

I want women to feel comfortable discussing their health problems and concerns with me at any point in their lives. I pride myself on providing a safe space where women can speak freely and know they are being heard—a place without judgment. I understand how personal and important a woman’s relationship with her OB-GYN can be, so I make sure my patients understand that I am here for them, to listen to their needs and concerns and to help them find the right care plan.

“I’m interested in women’s health because I am a woman. I’d be a darn fool not to be on my own side.”
– Maya Angelou


I believe it is crucial to give each and every patient the attention, decision-making power, medical information and compassionate care they need to keep them healthy from adolescence to their childbearing years to menopause and beyond. The providers at Denali OB-GYN share this belief, and go above and beyond to ensure patients feel comfortable and empowered. As a woman and mother of two myself, I would trust my colleagues at Denali with my own care.

Minimally Invasive Surgery

We offer a number of minimally invasive
surgeries. It is important to us that our
patients receive the best possible care before,
during and after their procedure.

Minimally Invasive Surgery

We offer a number of minimally invasive
surgeries. It is important to us that our
patients receive the best possible care before,
during and after their procedure.